Children & Young People
All of our staff are DBS checked for the safeguarding of everyone.
Monday Club
Our imaginatively named Monday Night Youth Club for 6 to 10 year olds is held in the Community Room at the church every (you guessed it!) Monday during term time. This group play lots of games, both individual and team based as well as doing crafts. They use a variety of courses to learn about God and the role He can have in their lives.
Times: Monday 5.30pm to 7pm term-time only
Cost: Just £1

Rhyme & Rhythm
Our Toddler Group held on a Wednesday morning at 10.15am during term time, there are a variety of co-ordinated activities arranged for the toddlers. This group sing lots of songs, many with actions and accompanied by various musical instruments. They also have lots of baby friendly toys. With the little ones so well catered for, there is the chance for parents and carers to relax and chat with a cup of tea or coffee.
Times: Wednesday 10.15am to 11.30am Term-time only
Sunday School
Held every Sunday morning during our normal morning service (starts at 10.30am). The children in this group range from 2 to 14 and a variety of activities are arranged to suit their needs. The stories of the Bible are told and put into a modern context, often with a complementary craft. This group loves to sing and dance and make as much noise as possible with various musical instruments, indeed they often come back into church and teach us new songs as the service comes to an end. There is also time for free play and even team games.
Times: Sunday 10.30am to 11.45am every Sunday.

Messy Church
Messy Church is run on the third Sunday afternoon of each month starting at 3pm and ending at about 5pm. There is no entry charge, though donations are warmly recieved.
We sing songs, read the Bible, have lots of crafts for all ages, we even have a baby sensory area and we share food together too.
What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon with the whole family?