Our main meeting is on Sunday at 10.30am. At our meetings we sing hymns and songs, read from the Bible and pray. Because we believe the Bible is God’s Word, teaching from the Bible forms a central part in all our meetings.
We celebrate Communion regularly, inviting everybody to share Communion with us.
Our meetings are informal, with no set prayers or liturgy. You do not need to dress in a certain way to come along. There are often “open times” when people can contribute a prayer or a Bible reading. But you do not have to contribute to meetings, you can just listen if you want to. We also hold regular Family Services, which tend to be very dynamic and full of energy!
We use the New International Version of the Bible. Copies are available at meetings, and generally the page number is announced so that everyone can follow along. We display the words for all the songs we sing on a large screen via a data projector.
There is a Sunday School for children which takes place during the morning service. Children are welcome at all meetings. If you have a young child we have a selection of toys and activities at the back of Church for them to play with.
We also have an Audio Loop for those with difficulty hearing.
House Groups
We have multiple Housegroups which are currently held at 10.30am on Tuesday and 7.30pm Thursdays. Check with Leaders or the Notice Sheet for venues. We actively encourage everybody who attends SBC to join and participate in House Groups as an aid to relationship building and spiritual growth.
Prayer Meeting
Open to all, held at the Church at 9.00am on Thursdays. Now also on Sunday morning at 10am. Corporate prayer is the engine room of the church. Come and see what God is doing and saying to us as a body.